GDPR Privacy Policy

(Japanese follws English)

Privacy Policy on the Handling of the Personal Data of Persons Who are in the EEA

Anatamo-Kyoto-ni-Kiharimasenka (hereinafter referred to as “Our website”) values visitor’s privacy and is committed to protecting visitor’s personal information in accordance with applicable privacy laws.

This privacy policy (the “Privacy Policy on the Handling of the Personal Data of Persons Who are in the EEA”) is aiming to confirm to handle visitor’s personal information located in EEA legally and appropriately.

Acquisition of Personal Data

Certain activities on Our website requires the collection of visitor’s personal data. The categories of personal data we may collect and process include:

  • Contact information that assists us in communicating with the visitor, including visitor’s name and email address etc. the visitor provides on Our website
  • As needed, information to provide the service requested by visitors

Purposes of Use

Concerning collected information on Our website, it is handled appropriately within the scope of the purpose of use.

  • Answering the inquiries from the visitors.
  • With the consent of the visitor, providing information regarding our services as needed.
  • Research and analyze the use trend of visitors

Legal Grounds

We may collect and process visitor’s personal data based on the following legal grounds:

  • Visitor’s consent
  • Addressing legal obligations
  • Protecting public interests, performing the public authority for the public interests
  • Protecting our visitors’ important interests
  • Or based on the legitimate interests of us, which are our usual activities

Provision of Personal Data to the Third-Parties

When analyzing your access history, we use the service provided the third-party. Visitor’s information will be provided the third-party and it will be used to deliver ads for the purpose described in the above paragraph 2. The third-party handles information regarding cookies by complying with their privacy policy.

As required by law, we may disclose visitor’s personal data to law enforcement officials, in order to comply with legal requirements, court orders, government or law enforcement agency requests, including to meet national security or law enforcement requirements, and including to agencies and courts in the countries where we operate.

Safety Measures on the Internet

  • We protect personal information by implementing appropriate security measures against hacking and malicious software to prevent loss, destruction, alteration, or leakage of personal information.
  • Access to personal data is restricted to the administrator only on a need-to know basis. We also maintain a data security practice that is proportionate to the risks associated with the processing of your personal data.
  • Certain links in this site connect to other websites maintained by the third-parties over whom Our website has no control. We accept no responsibility for any inconvenience, the accuracy or any other aspect of information contained in other websites.

Rights of Persons Concerned

Within the scope of applicable law, when we receive a request concerning disclosure, amendments, addition, deletion, or suspension of use of personal information, we shall handle it as soon as possible after we complete identification.

  • Right of access by the data subject (GDPR Article 15);
  • Right to rectification (GDPR Article 16);
  • Right to erasure (‘right to be forgotten’) (GDPR Article 17);
  • Right to restriction of processing (GDPR Article 18);
  • Right to data portability (GDPR Article 20);
  • Right to object (GDPR Article 21);
  • Automated individual decision-making, including profiling (Article 22);


We consider that visitors agree to this privacy policy, which is the collection, processing, international transfer and use of visitor’s personal data as set forth in this privacy policy, when visitors make the inquiry. Where required by law, we will ask visitor’s explicit consent.

Visitors may always object to the use of their personal data for access analyzing purposes or withdraw any consent previously granted for a specific purpose by clicking on relevant links on Our websites, by contacting us through the contact form described in the below paragraph 11.

In addition, visitors may disable cookies by changing your browser settings. The cookie settings are vary depending on each browser. For more details, please refer to the support page.


We may retain visitors’ personal data no longer than necessary for the purposes for which they were collected or as required by applicable law.


With visitors’ consent, Our website uses cookies. Cookies are text files containing small amounts of information which are downloaded to your internet-enabled device, such as a smartphone or tablet, when you visit Our website. By using cookies, we can obtain information such as the number of times visitors visit our website and the pages visitors visit, and it becomes possible to provide more user- friendly services on Our Website.

Visitors may disable cookies by changing your browser settings. However, please be aware that you may be subject to restrictions in using products and services provided by the website including Our website when you disable cookies.

Amendments to this Privacy Policy

Please be aware that contents on this privacy policy are subject to change without prior notice. We will amend the updated date at the bottom of this policy when we amend this policy, so please refer to it on a regular basis.

Inquiries about this Privacy Policy

If you request the right to be performed described in the above paragraph,Rights of Persons Concerned, or if you have any inquiries about this privacy policy and the protection/processing of the personal data, please contact through the contact form. Regarding the personal data provided for the inquiries, we will use them only to respond to the inquiries etc.

Established and implemented: August 24, 2023
Revised: May 29, 2024









  • 訪問者からの質問対応のため。
  • 必要に応じ、同意を得たうえで、サービスなどに関する情報提供のため。
  • 訪問者の利用動向等に関する調査・研究のため。



  • 同意
  • 法的義務の履行
  • 公共の利益保護、公益権限の行使
  • お客様の重大な利益保護
  • 当社の事業活動範囲内における正当な利益保護













  • アクセス権利(GDPR第15条)
  • 訂正権(GDPR第16条)
  • 消去権(GDPR第17条)
  • 処理の制限に関する権利(GDPR第18条)
  • データポータビリティ(GDPR第20条)
  • 異議を唱える権利(GDPR第21条)
  • 法的効果をもたらすプロファイリング等の自動化された処理のみに基づいた決定に服さない権利(GDPR第22条)


















令和5年8月24日 策定
令和6年5月29日 改定